Some recent developments in education and disability sector initiatives – read about actions to improve student progress and achievement
Individual Education Programme (IEP) Guidelines were first published in 1998. Important changes have taken place in the education and disability sectors since then, and the following publication replaces the 1998 document.
Collaboration for Success: Individual Education Plans (September 2011)
This resource is a reference to current New Zealand research, policy, and effective practice in supporting students with special education needs.
Recent developments has information about actions to improve student progress and achievement.
Index for Inclusion: developing learning and participation in schools
A set of materials to guide schools through a process of inclusive school development. It is about building supportive communities and fostering high achievement for all staff and students.
CSIE resources – either access free downloadable resources or purchase publications
Including students with high needs (June 2010)
This evaluation examined how well schools include students with high needs.
Of the participating schools fifty percent had mostly inclusive practices, thirty percent had some inclusive practices and twenty percent had few inclusive practices.
The key question that emerged was: how can more schools become better at including students with high needs?