The principles of The New Zealand Curriculum: Self-review questions
The principles of The New Zealand Curriculum embody beliefs about what is important and desirable in school curriculum – nationally and locally.
- They should underpin all school decision making (The New Zealand Curriculum, 2007, page 9)
- This self-review tool will help to gauge how well the principles are evident in daily practices
Downloadable Word doc – NZC principles self-review tool
NZC principles self-review tool (Word, 130 KB)
Success for All school self-review questionnaire
- In 2011, ERO collected information from schools about how they provide for students with special education needs
- The National Evaluation topics link in the ERO self review tools widget (to the right) has more information about reviews.
Downloadable Word doc – ERO School self-review questionnaire
ERO School self-review questionnaire (Word, 75 KB)
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