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Windsor School


Parents discuss PRIDE Challenges [External] – Windsor School's PRIDE Challenges, an initiative based on the key competencies. The aim is for children to develop a love of learning, specifically when children take learning home.

Teach and learn

Every aspect of the curriculum is important for students with special education needs.

Access information on how to adapt the school and classroom environment, teaching and learning materials. Find out how to differentiate the content of the school and classroom curriculum so that students experience success.

Teaching, adapting and differentiating

In teaching as inquiry, teachers ask:

  • What is important (and therefore worth spending time on), given where my students are at?
  • What strategies (evidence-based) are most likely to help my students learn this?
  • What happened as a result of the teaching, and what are the implications for future teaching?

From The New Zealand Curriculum, 2007, page 35.

Making adaptations and/or differentiations will involve changes to the:

  • content
  • teaching and learning materials
  • responses expected by students.

The IEP team will discuss such changes in planning meetings and they are likely to feature in the IEP, as illustrated in the diagram below.

Teaching As Inquiry diagram adapted to include IEPs

Adapted from The New Zealand Curriculum, 2007, page 35, by Gary McClintock


… are changes to the school and classroom environment, teaching and learning materials, and associated teaching strategies. These changes support students to access and respond to the school and classroom curriculum.



… are changes to the content of the school and classroom curriculum and expected responses to it. These changes support students to experience success. 

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