Speaking of success

Effective IEP processes help shape the future for students with special education needs.
The experiences of these students at school, including the relationships they form, are the foundation for their life in the wider community.
Success for IEP team members might sound like this …
The classroom teacher:
“I see all students as active and capable learners. I’m an effective teacher – I know all the students in my class, what they bring to their learning, and how I can best support them to learn. I feel confident about using adaptations and differentiations to support them. I report on their progress and achievement.”
The student:
“You know who I am – you value and accept the way I am and notice what I do. You know what I have learned and how I learn best. I know what I can do and what I need to do next. I know what I am working towards and how this will help me get to where I want to be later. I have friends. I am happy at school.”
The parents/caregiver, whānau, hapū, iwi, and other communities:
“We feel that time is made for us. We are involved in the team process, our views are respected, and our contribution to our child’s education is acknowledged. We are listened to and well-informed as part of the team. We are confident that you know and care for our child. Our child is making progress and achieving. We know what their achievement looks like and how we can support it.”
The school leader(s): “I have the information I need to make decisions about the quality of teaching and learning in my school. I look at the school and classroom environment and consider the ways to overcome barriers to learning that students may encounter. I’m confident that I can accurately report on the progress and achievement of all students in my school.”
The wider team: “I am a valued member of an effective collaborative team. I understand the student, their strengths, and their needs. I understand my role and my contribution to the teaching, learning, and progress of the student.”