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We expect…

Go To People and the national team

The national ASD Team consists of up to six highly experienced practitioners who work together to provide information and resources nationally and support districts and specialist educators regionally.

We expect them to:

  • lead and manage the national ASD Action Plan
  • develop regional ASD action plans
  • coach and mentor identified specialist educators in each district
  • be skilled and experienced in using a range of up-to-date, effective interventions
  • ensure their practice stays current by taking part in ASD-specific, relevant professional learning opportunities.

All specialist educators

All specialist educators, Resource Teachers Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) and providers of specialist services (for example, speech-language therapists, early intervention teachers).

We expect them to:

  • know who is the designated specialist(s) and regional Go To person for their cluster or district and how to access them
  • put into practice specific advice and guidance from the Go To people and support regional action plans
  • support class and centre teachers, the child or young person, their family and whānau to complete a profile of the young person's strengths and needs
  • with the permission of the young person and their team, analyse and share data about interventions, using action learning methods.

Teachers (early childhood and school) of children and young people with ASD

We expect them to:

  • make contact with key education workers as soon as enrolment is planned and maintain that relationship
  • invite the child or young person, their family and whanau to share in completing a profile of the young person's strengths and needs
  • read the Ministry of Education ASD booklet; watch the In my shoes DVD (possibly with the group or class)
  • participate in professional learning and development modules (in groups) to steadily increase their repertoire of effective, evidence-based teaching strategies for young people with ASD.

All schools and early childhood education services

All teachers, principals, head teachers, early childhood education services licensees and Boards.

We expect them to:

  • be aware that people with ASD can and do make valued contributions to society
  • access New Zealand accounts of effective education provision and outcomes for people with ASD
  • know who to access for advice and information if they have a child or young person with ASD in their service or school.

Parents and whānau of children and young people with ASD

We expect them to be:

  • offered an ASD-specific parent education programme within 6 months of diagnosis or probable diagnosis
  • valued and welcomed members of the child or young person education team.

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