Useful links
Links to ASD focused or related groups and organisations in New Zealand and overseas, or professional associations and bodies.

Altogether Autism
Supplies information to autistic people, parents, educators, support workers, and any other professional working with those on the autism spectrum.
This free, nationwide autism information and advisory service is funded by the Ministry of Health in partnership with Life Unlimited Charitable Trust and Parent to Parent New Zealand.

Autism NZ
Provides services and support, education and information on autism for autistic people and for family, whānau, caregivers, and professionals who engage with them.

Supporting children and young people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Advice on teaching students with autism spectrum disorder and links to other supporting resources and organisations.
Also has information about specialist and community organisations and The Incredible Years Autism programmes.

New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline (2016)
This Ministry of Health document provides evidence-based information for people on the autism spectrum, families, and whanau, health, disability and education professionals, and social service agencies.
The booklet includes information about good practice that aims to improve the health, educational, and social outcomes for people with ASD.