
Inclusive Education guides for schools
Provides practical strategies, suggestions and resources to support learners with diverse needs

For those who support children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
This website provides resources, tips, learning opportunities, and links to other useful sources of information.

For anyone involved in developing or implementing individual education plans (IEPs)
Central to this website is the Ministry of Education downloadable publication Collaboration for Success: Individual Education Plans (September 2011).

Assessment Online - Narrative Assessment
Narrative assessment provides a rich picture of ākonga skills, strengths, and learning support needs. It uses learning stories to capture progress and record the connections between ākonga, their learning environments, their peers, and their learning activities.
Teachers and Teachers' Aides Working Together
Professional development resource for schools
This website provides nine modules that teachers and teachers’ aides complete together. Each module is a ‘ready-to-use’ pack, with a presentation, workbook, activities, and a guide for putting new learning into practice.